Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Where in Wellington has renovation accommodated for the growing population?

In the past few years the Wellington region has been developing to accommodate for the growing population, one of the main places the region has been growing is in the CBD because it is becoming a trendy and easy place to live, in Wellington city many apartments have been going up in the last few years because of this. In the past 10 years from 1996 to 2006 the Wellington population has grown by 21,747 people which is a 12.1% increase (information from statistics NZ, census). This is another reason why more apartment style places are needed in the city.

The above picture was taken at Taranaki Street in Wellington city, it demonstrates the point that more and more apartments are being developed in the city region to accommodate for the growing population.

This picture above used to be the Warehouse in Wellington city, this was bowled down recently to make room for more inner city apartments which will be close to the waterfront which is increasing development of a popular spot and making room for more many people who enjoy the city life.

1 comment:

Maddy Foley said...

Hey buet job sarah u rock da geo world!!